Barnsdall Public Schools Superintendent Jeff Lay outlined the updated plans for the upcoming School Bond proposal on Tuesday at the meeting of the Barnsdall Chamber of Commerce.
While many of the items are the same as initially introduced late last year, the plans Lay introduced Tuesday were the finalized and approved plans. The most significant improvements that will result from the School Bond is the remodel of the “Old Pool Building” and transitioning it into the new Superintendent Office, Family and Consumer Science Classroom with accompanying kitchen, and the new Student Activity Center. In time the Student Activity Center will also be the new High School lunch room so students will no longer need to travel to the Elementary School for Lunch. The plans also laid out the new Athletic Building which will house new wrestling and cheer-leading mats, two multi-purpose locker rooms for home and away teams, a new weight room, coaches offices, laundry room, and whirlpool to athletic therapy. The new building will be located directly behind the High School and will serve as the teams entrance to the football field, and provide for handicap parking. The Bond will also see the construction of a new press box with functional restrooms and concession stand all of which will be EF5 rated tornado shelter. Additionally numerous maintenance issues will be addressed and the existing Art Building will be renovated to improve functionality. Lay outlined the preliminary estimates for the bond proposal however, the official numbers will not be available until February. The School Bond vote is scheduled for April 3, 2018 and needs a super majority, 60 percent plus one, to be approved. The previous school bond failed by four votes. Comments are closed.