Monday at the meeting of the Osage County Board of County Commissioners, Hominy City Manager Gary Lanham provided an EMS update, and the results of the Osage County Survey Analysis. During the Hominy EMS update Lanham stated that the paramedic service has changed their collection services and reviewed their billing and reporting procedures. The changes in billing and collecting has improved the services revenue report from consistently operating in the negative, to well into the positive.
Following the Hominy EMS update Lanham provided the analysis from the Osage County EMS Survey. He explained that surveys were sent to all of the services operating within Osage County including those which are based out of other Counties. The surveys were sent out with the assistance of Kay Kelly from E911, and Lanham received reports from nearly all services operating within the Osage. The results from the survey show that services across Osage County are operating in the red, with the exception of Samaritan EMS, and are at a loss of nearly $58,000 each month when combined. Lanham stated that the surveys were not scientific and are incomplete as they did not receive results from all services, but will provide a guideline for where paramedic services across the county stand. Lanham closed by saying it may be possible for other services to follow on the heels of Hominy EMS with aggressive billing and collections, and changing the manner of which reports are filed to ensure insurance companies approve service claims. The next meeting of the Osage County Board of County Commissioners will be held Monday morning at the Osage County Courthouse in Pawhuska. The meeting of the Osage County Board of County Commissioners was split Monday, as the Commissioners received the formal recommendation from the Courthouse Building Review Committee at 1pm following their regularly scheduled meeting at 10. During the morning portion of the meeting the Commissioners opened and accepted bids for road oil, asphalt, and oil, lubricants, and antifreeze. The Commissioners also approved the renewal contract with the U.S. Department of Agriculture APHIS Wildlife Services. George Upchurch with the USDA spent several minutes discussing the damage wild hogs have had in Osage County, especially for wheat and soybean farmers. Upchurch added that on one property alone they pulled 89 animals last month.
The Commissioners took a short recess to reconvene in the Courtroom at 1pm to receive the formal presentation and recommendation from the Courthouse Building Review Committee. Committee Co-Chair Mike Tolson provided an abbreviated version of the Committee’s findings and presentation which was presented to the public during a series of public meetings in April and May. Tolson informed the commissioners that the public nearly unanimously agreed with the Committee regarding which of the three available options should move forward to public vote. The options proved where the remodel and refurbishing of the existing courthouse and renovating the Kennedy Building in Pawhuska, the remodel and refurbishing of the existing courthouse and the building of a new addition or extension onto the courthouse, or none of the above. The proposed renovation and building of the new addition would cost tax payers $17.8 million dollars if approved, but is also the most viable option in order to save the existing courthouse. The Commissioners accepted the recommended proposal from the Committee and will work with the District Attorney’s Office to turn the recommendation into ballot terminology. The Osage County Board of County Commissioners meets each Monday at the Osage County Courthouse in Pawhuska at 10am. Attached is the full Courthouse Building Review Committee presentation. |