Since last March, more than one million unemployment claims have been filed in the State of Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Employment Security Commission has paid out more than five billion dollars in unemployment during that time span. That is more than the last 10 years combined.
At a news conference on Monday afternoon, Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt said his goal is to make Oklahoma a top tier state for business development. He says those things are possible, but the challenge is getting employees back to work. Stitt says the extension of federal benefits are a reason people are staying home and that is why he announced an incentive to put Oklahoman's back to work on Monday. Executive Director with the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission, Shelley Zumwalt said many other states are doing the same thing Oklahoma is doing, but not offering the $1,200 incentive and added that Stitt is only required to give a 30 day notice, but he extended that to six weeks. Zumwalt goes into detail as to what will happen after June 26th. . Zumwalt said nearly 200,000 people are workforce eligible, but aren't currently working. Zumwalt added that attendees at career fairs have been lower than expected, seeing as how so many are unemployed and there are also so many jobs available. Comments are closed.