Election day is upon us and one of the most tightly contested races on Osage County ballots this year is for the position of Osage County Sheriff. The race has come down to the incumbent Osage County Under-sheriff Lou Ann Brown (D) and Former State Special Investigator Eddie Virden (R).
Brown got her start in law enforcement with Skiatook Police Department as an clerk filing paperwork and worked her way onto patrol and served as reserve with the Osage County Sheriffs office. She then transferred full-time to the Sheriffs Department as a Special Victim/Domestic Assault investigator until named Under-Sheriff, by the Incumbent Sheriff Ty Koch. Virden is former Bartlesville Police Officer and Osage County Deputy who ran the Drug Task force for Osage and Pawnee County, serving under Sheriff Ty Koch. Virden then moved into State Law Enforcement in 2010 as a Special Agent over10 counties. Both candidates believe that service to the citizens of Osage County comes first, and ensuring continued cooperation between city, county and state agencies is paramount. However, the two candidates have differing opinions with regards to the use of reserve forces. Virden would like to bolster the reserve force in Osage County and take advantage of the experience from the many retired and former Police, Sheriff Deputies, and Military members throughout the county. Brown believes that the Osage County reserve force is crucial to the Department and as a former reserve deputy understands that maintaining a larger force could lead to some difficulties, with regard to training. Brown said, that due to the issues with the Tulsa County's Reserve, the State will likely begin to impose new more intensive requirements for training. Both Brown and Virden are ready to work for the citizens of Osage County, so regardless of who you vote for; Vote this November 8th. Comments are closed.