The Pawhuska City Council met for its first regularly scheduled in-person meeting since March 12th due to the coronavirus.
Chamber of Commerce Director Joni Nash made the announcement that the Mercantile plans to shoot off fireworks on the Fourth of July, but they will not hold their usual daylong festival. Nash also said the Uncorked event to kick off Cattleman’s week has been canceled, but Cavalcade is still on track to be held as scheduled. It was reported that the sewer line between 13th and 17th streets near Lynn Ave. was completed 10 days ahead of schedule. That makes up 1,100 feet of new sewer line throughout the area. There were also 307 disconnection notices sent out, but only 47 properties got turned off. During the meeting, the council approved the go ahead for construction to be completed on the fire station roof. The council also approved a Pole Attachment Agreement between the Pawhuska Public Works Authority and K-PowerNet, LLC to service the Grand Lake Mental Health Center and other non-profit entities. The Pawhuska City Council will meet for a special called meeting on Tuesday, June 23rd. Comments are closed.