The Pawhuska City Council met for its regularly sheduled meeting Tuesday evening and had a number of things to sort out.
There was much discussion regarding the purchase of a transformer for the City of Pawhuska, as they are needing more power to be ran throughout the city. After discussion, the council opted to purchase a transformer from the City of Edmond and also selected a company to transport the transformer to Pawhuska. The council opted to go out for bid on a high service pump, which will be used to help in the maintenance of the water treatment plant and the reservoir that goes along with that. New trash collection rates were also approved, allowing for a smaller truck to come to the City, allowing for less deterioration on the roads. At last month's meeting, Steve Tolson had made a recommendation that the council meet twice a month. That got brought up for discussion Tuesday evening, but wasn't aproved by council members. The council also appointed six people to serve as Board of Directors on the Constantine Arts Council. At the end of the month, the council will hold a special meeting to talk about, “the vision and direction of Pawhuska.” Comments are closed.