The Pawhuska Chamber of Commerce hosted a successful Candidate Forum Tuesday evening at the Pawhuska Community Center. Candidates for House Disrict 36, J Paul Ganzel, Jordan Lauffer, and Jarod Lemmons discussed important topics such as economic development and improvement and education funding, Steve Vaughan the incumbent for Oklahoma House District 37 discussed his voting history and his desire to make sure Osage County voices are heard. Cadidates for Oklahoma Senate District 10, Bill Coleman and Gary Lanham discussed Government transparency, education, and healthcare for rural Oklahoma.
To close the evening forum Candidates for District Attorney Rex Duncan and Mike Fisher discussed their case history, and importantly the impact the passing of State Question 780 has had on the District. Both Duncan and Fisher were of the opinion that the question was too vague and misled voters into thinking it was something it wasn't. District Attorney Rex Duncan explained how the passing of 780 affected Osage County. Duncan went on to describe the first case following the implementation of 780 in Osage County. Mike Fisher agreed with Duncan that the results of 780 have been not been what intended by the public, and the affects on the court system has been significant, especially drug court. The event concluded and provided an opportunity for the public in attendance to meet and greet the candidates. Comments are closed.