The North Pole project began in 2003 by the late, retired Tulsa Police officer, Glenn DeWeese. The program has provided computers for more than 1,000 families since its establishment. This year 150 children received computers for Christmas including five families in Osage County.
Mike Anderson, an Investigator for the Osage Nation Police Department, has participated in a program for the past four years. The program distributes refurbished computers to needing families during the Christmas season. Anderson was one of many officers who delivered the computers to in need families on Monday, December 21. The recipients from Osage County were: Zachary Elsberry and his 10-year-old son from Fairfax, Leah Bighorse and her four children and niece and nephew from Pawuska, Mary Hynes and her 11-year old granddaughter from Hominy, Mary Evans and her two sons from Skaitook, Richard Raper and his son and daughter from Pawhuska. For more information read the whole story on, and visit for more information about The North Pole Computer Project and PC power. Photo Courtesy Tara Madden Osage News Comments are closed.