Friday is the last day to register for the grow, gather and hunt virtual two week camp beginning Monday, July 20th. The camp had been scheduled for early July, but it had to be pushed back because the Osage Nation Campus got shut down.
The camp is open to Native American youth aged 8-14. There will be instructional videos on the Osage Nation Facebook Page. This will be a two week camp lasting Monday, July 20th through Thursday July 23rd and Monday July 27th through Thursday July 30th. There will be art journaling, making natural bug repellant and other physical activities in which participants can partake. All activities are free and if you fill out and return a survey after the camp, you will be able to receive a T-shirt and backpack for participating. To sign up, contact Jaime Clark at 918-287-5482. Registration forms are also available at the Osage Nation website under the Public Health Nursing tab. Comments are closed.