The search of an 18-wheeler in Pawhuska filled with up to 24,000 pounds of marijuana has led to the arrest of four men.
Virden says the arrest was made after obtaining a warrant to look inside the truck. There were also two men in a mini-van who weredeemed to be their security detail. The 18-wheeler was pulled over just before 3 a.m. Wednesday morning after failing to stop at the four-way stop on the south side of town. When two police officers approached the truck, they noticed the odor of marijuana. The two men in the truck claimed they were hauling industrial hemp from Kentucky to Colorado and showed the police officers a bill of lading, which is similar to a receipt. After looking at the bill of lading, the officers knew something wasn't right. According to the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics, it is only legal for subjects to transport marijuana in the state of Oklahoma if they have an Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority Medical Marijuana License. Neither person in the truck had such a license. We will have more on this story as updates become available. Photo courtesy of the News on 6. Comments are closed.