The Board of Osage County Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at the fairgrounds in Pawhuska Monday morning and decided it would be best to keep the courthouse and all other county-owned buildings closed for at least one more week. The commissioners will also continue canceling and postponing all public events taking place on county-owned property.
The commissioners did allow Osage County District Attorney Mike Fisher to open his office to the public in the third floor of the Whiting Building as he sees fit. This will take some pressure off of the police department and the Osage County Sheriff’s Department as things begin opening up in the coming weeks. Emergency Manager Jerry Roberts let the commissioners know that there had been an increase in seven positive COVID-19 cases in Osage County from a week ago with no additional deaths. The commissioners also signed a contract with AT&T to allow for telephone services at $38 per line. The commissioners will meet at the fairgrounds next Monday for its next regularly scheduled meeting beginning at 10 a.m. Comments are closed.