Tuesday night the Pawhuska City Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting, and continued the discussion started last month regarding the Triangle Building. Newly elected City Council Member Steve Holcome brought forward a motion last month to have the building declared as a nuisance, that motion was rejected, based on the promise from the building's current owners.
At the meeting Tuesday, Holcome wished to continue the discussion and give the City Council more power when dealing with building owners. The motion cited Oklahoma Municipal Code 11-22-112.4 which would give the City the authority to fine or apply fees to building owners who do not show adequate progress when improving abandoned or neglected buildings. While the city does not currently plan to fine the owners of the Triangle Building they do wish to set a precedence to establish a time table. Holcome made the motion to give the negotiating authority to City Attorney John Heskett and the motion was approved. If a building is found to be abandoned, as per the Municipal Code, and the owner does not abide or provide a time table for repair or renovation it can be declared a nuisance. The Council hopes that progress will continue on the Triangle Building, but wished to have an additional option in the event renovation stops. Comments are closed.