The Board of Osage County Commissioners will meet Monday morning at the courthouse in Pawhuska. They will continue discussion on demolishing two buildings in downtown Fairfax that got damaged by a tornado. These buildings are causing a safety hazard for people who walk by.
There will be an update on how the stabilizing wall is coming together between the two buildings so that they don’t fall. After that update, the commissioners will consider advertising bids to demolish the two buildings. Executive Director for Osage County Tourism, Kelly Bland, will be on hand to give a report and let the commissioners know how things have been going across the county. Bland will also be requesting money for various upcoming events across the county. There will be discussion and possible action regarding the distribution formula for the use tax. The commissioners will also go into executive session to interview applicants for a part-time employee at the Osage County Fairgrounds. The meeting begins at 10 o’ clock for those interested in attending. Comments are closed.