The Board of Osage County Commissioners will meet for a regularly scheduled meeting at the courthouse in Pawhuska on Monday morning to sort through a number of important issues.
The commissioners will begin by opening and awarding bids to make repairs to the Osage County Treasurer’s roof. They will also get a planning and zoning report from the Director of Planning and Zoning in Osage County, Jake Bruno. Nutrition Program Director Kyme Vincent will be talking about the possibility of transferring local funding in the amount of $80,000 from one account to the other. There will also be discussion regarding setting the county mileage reimbursement rate in 2020. They will consider signing a resolution to select Guy Engineering as a firm to make repairs on the Holt Rd. embankment in District Two. The commissioners will also go into executive session to discuss personnel matters at the fairgrounds. The meeting begins at 10 o’ clock in the morning for those interested in attending. Comments are closed.