The Board of Osage County Commissioners met Monday morning at the courthouse in Pawhuska and got a lot accomplished.
Osage County Emergency Manager Jerry Roberts let the commissioners know they were continuing to get grant money to assist with storm shelters across the county. In June, the grant will have aided in putting in 67 storm shelters for county residents. It was reported last week that Miller EMS took close to an hour to respond to a phone call in the Avant area. Roberts opened an investigation and learned that it took them approximately 17 minutes to respond. Two members of Miller EMS were there to confirm this. In March and April, Miller EMS responded to 67 phone calls. Larry Burrows was introduced as the new Operations Manager for Miller EMS. Director of Planning and Zoning for the county, Jake Bruno, told the commissioners that he had been gathering information from other counties on how to properly handle the new medical marijuana laws and if businesses should be allowed to grow it and sell it. Director of Osage County E-911, Kay Kelley, talked about some of the classes she has been taking to gain information about different personality types. Kelley also learned better ways to motivate her staff through various group activities. During citizen's input, Macy Strom of the Osage County Fair Board, made an announcement that the butterfly exhibit will be coming back next year and the car show should be better and bigger than last year. Strom added that at 6 in the evening next Monday, there will be a fair meeting at the fairgrounds and anyone is welcome to attend. The next regular scheduled Board of Osage County Commissioners meeting is scheduled for next Monday at 10 o' clock in the morning. Comments are closed.