The Osage County Commissioners held a short meeting Monday morning, and the topic which caused the most discussion was not on the agenda. Under the new business, Osage County Sheriff Ty Koch brought up a very important topic, the care of their inmates.
Osage County Jail regularly holds more than 120 inmates and each are awarded certain rights, in particular the ability to make phone calls. Under the County Jails current contract the county receives approximately 50 cents per minute an inmate is on the phone. Inmates pay for their calls through their commissary funds. The money owed to county from these calls can add up quickly and the current contract holder Lattice currently owes the county $54,000. Lattice is aware of the funds owed to the County and has paid a portion of the balance and has made an agreement to allow the County to keep the fees owed for their service, however Lattice would still owe the County $31,500. Because the discussion was not an item on the agenda the commissioners were unable to take action, or sign a contract with a different company; Prodigy Solutions has agreed to pay off Lattice's owed balance. Therefore, the commissioners will be holding an emergency meeting this Wednesday afternoon to sign a new contract and ensure that inmates do not lose their phone privilege. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Osage County Commissioners will be held Tuesday Morning, due to the observation of Memorial Day. Comments are closed.