At the meeting of the Osage County Board of County Commissioners Monday morning Amos Adetula of Amos Electrical and Mechanical discussed the need to repair or replace one of the heating and cooling units at the Osage County Fairgrounds. The Commissioners also discussed making emergency repairs to the courthouse roof, and discussed surplussing weapons for retiring officers from the Osage County Sheriffs Office.
Adetula and Amos Electrical and Mechanical have the contract for the Osage County Fairgrounds and have been maintaining the existing heating and air system for several years. One of the existing system, Adetula said, is failing and will need to have one of the systems heat exchanges replaced on the AG Building. He told the commissioners that replacing the heat exchange will solve the problem for now, however the systems are aging and the commissioners will need to discuss replacing the units in the near future. The commissioners chose to table the item in order to review possible options before taking action. The roof lining on the Osage County Courthouse has began to separate and poses a signification risk of allowing water to leak. The company which installed the roof is no longer in business and repairs will need to be made quickly before the courthouse suffers water damage. The county had contacted Builders Unlimited for a quote for repairs and will likely take action once quote is received. One of the final items discussed was the surplussing of weapons from the Osage County Sheriffs Office. It is common for officers to be authorized to keep their service weapon when retiring, however because there are not currently three elected officials serving on the Osage County Board, surplussing may not be possible until after the District #1 election in April. The DA's Office will review the state criteria and return next week with an answer regarding the surplussing of weapons. The Osage County Board of County Commissioners will meet again next Monday at the Osage County Courthouse in Pawhuska. Comments are closed.