The Osage County Board of County Commissioners accepted bids as well as approved the purchase of a new 40-foot flagpole for the Osage County Courthouse at the Monday meeting of the Osage County Board of County Commissioners. the Commissioners accepted low bids for Road & Bridge items, and greater blades, and accepted all bids based on Project location and transportation for State Spec Rock and Non-State Spec Rock. the Commissioners also opened and accepted all bids for Road oil and States spec asphalt, all bids were accepted for tabulation.
Lastly, the Commissioners accepted a bid from Betsy Ross flag to replace the now broken 40-foot flagpole in front of the courthouse. Betsy Ross was the low bid at $2,253 Plus $1,980 for installation, the pool will also come with an appropriately-sized flag. The Commissioners however did increase the purchase order by $500 as an installation contingency. All other items were accepted, and commissioner Darren McKinney announced that they had switch to their summer schedule. the next meeting of the Osage day at 10 a.m. at the Osage County Courthouse in Pawhuska. Comments are closed.