The contract for Samaritan EMS was amended and re-approved at the Tuesday morning meeting of the Osage County Board of County Commissioners. The Commissioners met Tuesday due to the observation of Memorial Day. The revised contract will allow for Samaritan to collect from the City of Barnsdall for services until a point where the subscription funding is depleted. The County has been paying the operation cost to Samaritan each month since June last year.
General Manager of Stumpff Funeral Home and Crematory Scott Guyman Holz approached the commissioners at the meeting this week regarding cremation services for residents that are indigent. Commissioner McKinney said that the county does have a fund for indigent residents, but the fund is nearly depleted as the county approached the end of the fiscal year. Abuse of the fund is not common and the Sheriffs Office has been brought in to investigate family members who chose not to pay for funeral arrangements. The Commissioners agreed that they would accept bids for county cremation services, but will need to follow the appropriate bids process. The Osage County Board of County Commissioners meets each Monday at 10am at the Osage County Courthouse in Pawhuska. Comments are closed.