Before the meeting Monday morning, District #3 Commissioner Darren McKinney addressed the public in attendance, along with fellow elected officials to apologize. McKinney was arrested Friday evening for driving under the influence, he wished to make that information known to the public from his own mouth, he stated he “knows better” and needed to “own up to his mistakes.”
During the meeting of Osage County Commissioners, Mark Anthony discussed the possibility of starting a community wide paramedic program, to teach citizens and first responders the proper techniques to care for an individual in an emergency, and know when EMS serviced need to be called. The Commissioners wished to further review the information and allow the District Attorney’s Office to review before taking any action. Also during the meeting the Commissioners approved to surplus numerous items on the Sheriff Department’s Inventory, all of which were no longer needed, several items have not been with the department for many years. Lastly, District #1 Commissioner Jerry Howerton announced his first and second deputy. Leona Taylor will serve as his first and Jay Taylor his second. The next meeting of the Osage County Board of County Commissioners will be next Monday at the Osage County Courthouse in Pawhuska. Comments are closed.