There has been a lot of debate between the Board of Osage County Commissioners and the citizens of Fairfax regarding what should happen to the Bighill Furniture Store in Fairfax. At Monday's Board of Osage County Commissioner meeting, Principal Chief of the Osage Nation, Geoffrey Standing Bear stated that the Osage Nation might be interested in doing something with the property.
Standing Bear has been asked by the Osage people what is being done to take advantage of the economic boom currently going on across Osage County, especially with producers of,“Killers of the Flower Moon,” beginning to film in May. Right now Standing Bear doesn't have an answer for them. Joe Conner, who is partnering with Standing Bear in this attempt, said this memorial would only be the beginning to what he would hope be a restoration of downtown Fairfax. Citizen Jerry Butterbaugh spoke up and said he isn't in favor of letting the Fairfax foundation partner with the Osage Nation. One thing the commissioners are concerned about is the fact that they have already sent bid packets out on two separate occasions. If they were to do it a third time, they might have trouble finding a firm willing to demolish the building. Terry Loftis of J&L Associatesaddressed that problem to Standing Bear. The commissioners decided to table the agenda item until they could get more information from the Osage Nation. Comments are closed.