Four suspects have been arrested on recommended charges of second degree burglary and conspiracy, which occurred between the dates of September 3rd through the 13th.
The victim stated that Sara Nichols, Tyson Keen, Cole Youngblood and Wendy Hill allegedly stole approximately $75,000 from his home. They also took an electric guitar, golden Rolex watch, sunglasses and an unknown amount of change. Nichols was a contract employee with the victim. Nichols had a key to the residence and police attempted to reach out to Nichols several times before finally going by her house and taking her to the police station for an interview. During the recorded interview, Nichols stated that since she had a key to the victim's house, she burglarized the home on two separate occasions by herself and took approximately $1,000. Nichols went on to say that she lived with Keen, Hill, Youngblood and Michael Saxton when she burglarized the home. Nichols went on to say that she and her roommates developed a plan to burglarize the home again. Nichols stated that the five of them went back to the house and took approximately $31,500 along with the guitar and other items. She was unsure of what exactly was taken due to each person searching in different areas of the home. After searching the house, they divided the money five ways. All four defendants will be seen at the Washington County Courthouse Friday afternoon at 1:15 where they will learn their formal charges. Comments are closed.