The Bartlesville City Council met for a lengthy, but productive meeting Monday evening at City Hall to get a number of things accomplished.
Director of Engineering Micah Siemers showed the councilors what improvements need to be made across the city. This includes transportation upgrades, road improvements and bridge replacements. He showed the councilors how they can fix the projects through the General Obligation Bond. At Monday's meeting, the council approved the parks department and bridge and street committee to begin directing funds. Director of Community Development and Park Planning, Lisa Beeman, wanted to restructure who must pay for a license to be in business in the city of Bartlesville. Vice Mayor Allen Gentges was against the proposal and the council decided to convene at a later date when they had more information. Water Utilities Director Terry Lauristen gave a presentation to the council letting them know about a change order from Jonesplan LLC for the Tower Center at Unity Square Project. Lauristen told the council this change order was going to cost an additional 2.1 million dollars. The city council also adopted an ordinance allowing the city to provide for a convenience fee to recover costs incurred by the city for use of electronic payment methods on certain transactions. Dennis Halpin and Sara Freeman of Truity Credit Union presented the council with a $10,000 donation that it to be used for the Tower Center at Unity Square Project. The council also approved LD Kerns Contractors Inc. to continue the renovation projects at Price Fields. This is the third phase of the improvement project. City Manager Mike Bailey wanted to remind everyone that free leaf and grass collection is next Monday through Friday. Comments are closed.