Thursday, Osage News reported that an effort to add more questions to the Osage Nation’s March 2017 special election ballot failed to pass the Fifth Osage Nation Congress.
The four questions sponsored and filed by Congresswoman Alice Buffalohead would ask if the constitution should be amended to make it easier for Osages to petition for initiatives or referendums, to do recall petitions, to petition for Constitutional amendments and to lower the number of Congressional votes to propose constitutional amendments. Congresswoman Shannon Edwards noted that several of the proposed questions had already appeared on a ballot and failed to pass. Edwards also added she was not in favor of adding the questions, noting that the Constitution is “a framework from which we are supposed to pass our laws … If we want to wholesale start changing our Constitution, then we need to have a constitutional convention.” The Osage Nation is holding a special election on March 20, 2017 and currently only has two questions on the ballot : To question the if definition of marriage in Osage law should include same-sex couples A proposed constitutional amendment regarding the legislature (Congress) and its duties of the annual budget. See the complete Osage News story by following the link Comments are closed.