The Board of Osage County Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at the fairgrounds on Monday morning and got a number of things accomplished.
Executive Director for Osage County Tourism, Kelly Bland was at the meeting two weeks ago giving a presentation about re-directing advertising dollars that she believes would better publicize local events and get more people to the area. This would cost around $70,000. She was back to give the formal presentation this week to see if the commissioners would approve the contract. District one commissioner Randall Jones voiced concerns over the fact that he wouldn’t know where the advertising dollars are going before they were spent, but they ultimately approved the contract for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. This will allow the tourism board to be more flexible on where advertising dollars are being spent and if at any time they feel like thing aren’t going well, the contract can be terminated. Osage County Emergency Manager Jerry Roberts informed the commissioners that most of the COVID-19 cases have been occurring in the southern part of the county. He added that it has been more than 30 days since a death has occurred. Courthouse procedures will continue to remain the same, though. The commissioners renewed an agreement with Pinnancle Towers, LLC for lease space at a telecommunications facility at the Hominy Tower. They also signed the title sheet for a project taking place at Kelley Ave. and City View Rd. This has been a 12-year project that is about to be completed. In new business, Jones informed the public that Jerry Howerton’s memorial service will be delayed until further notice. Howerton was the previous commissioner for district one. The next regularly scheduled board of Osage County Commissioners meeting will be next Monday at 10 o’ clock in the morning at the Osage County Fairgrounds. Comments are closed.