This week at the meeting of the Osage County Commissioners the Commissioners opened bids for tires, food, dairy products, and paper and cleaning products. They also awarded bids from last weeks meeting including, Road and Bridge Items, Grader Blades, Rock, Oil, Asphalt, Sand, and Concrete. The Commissioners also heard from Skiatook City Manager Dan Yancey.
Yancey addressed the board regarding the progress of moving out of the Senior Citizens Building in Skiatook, located at HWY 20 and Javine Hill Road. There has been discussion of building or establishing a County Annex in Skiatook for some time and the Skiatook City Council has had discussions about leasing the building to the County once it is vacant. The commissioners agreed with Yancey and the City of Skiatook, but will need to await the decisions of the recently formed committee before taking any action. The commissioners also agreed to have the South steps repaired by local contractor David Scott Concrete, but due to the cost of the repair and possibility of additional damage to the Courthouse property the commissioners will need to hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday at 11am to declare an Emergency and make additional funds available. The commissioners ended the meeting this week by holding an executive session regarding the Kennedy building in Pawhuska. The commissioners came out of the session with the decision to sell the Kennedy Building. The building will be sold in public auction at a meeting in the future. Comments are closed.