Tuesday the Barnsdall Chamber of Commerce met for their second September meeting. During the meeting the chamber discussed Barnsdall School Sports, New Officer Elections, the Upcoming Enbridge Tour, and planning Christmas in Barnsdall.
At the last meeting of the Chamber of Commerce officers were nominated and Tuesday the new officers were elected. Russell Hayman will replace Claud Rosendale as Chamber President, Rosendale will now serve as Vice-President, Sandra Cox will serve as Second Vice-President, Jason Byers will replace long serving Paul Overholt as Treasurer, and Betty Fowler will continue to serve as Chamber Secretary. Officer changes will take place at the next meeting in October. Following the next meeting, several members will travel to the Enbridge Energy Cushing Terminal for a site tour. The tour was initially discussed when representatives from Enbridge provided a presentation to the Chamber earlier this year and chamber members were offered a private tour of the Cushing facility. Approximately eight members from the Barnsdall Chamber will take the tour. Chamber President Claud Rosendale briefly discussed planning for Christmas in Barnsdall, scheduled for December 3, but further planning will be reserved until the event is closer. The next scheduled meeting of the Barnsdall Chamber of Commerce is October 11 at noon at the Barnsdall Community Center. Comments are closed.